As regards Hart's whining for the Gang Rulez Survivor Series (at which, may I note, every single heel won, from which I still haven't recovered!), do people think he was right to do so? Or are you loving Vince McMahon all the way?

I still lament how Hart's career turned out. Luck (if we can be so bold as to call it that) hasn't been kind to him, with many sudden deaths in the family.

For me, he was always, and still is, and will always be the excellent of execution. And the best out of the Hogan, Flair and Hart contest would be Bret. Hogan may be more important for wrestling, but he could never wrestle. Flair was always a mere cartoon, though an excellent wrestler. But Bret was cool man. He was cool.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?