What made the "nWo" work especially was that besides the really good tag team in the "Outsiders"(remember when Tag Team Wrestling was actually considered serious by its respective group?), was also how the unthinkable had occured: Hulk Hogan as the heel. Real brilliant coup there. What was odd about the tag team was that Hall was a decent good wrestler, but Kevin Nash(or we kiddies remembered him as The Diesel back in the WWF days) was never a good wrestler.

Too bad Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon had his never-conquerable problems with alcohol and drugs which got him kicked out of wrestling, and Nash....he just never worked for me as a serious heavyweight champ.

Now the WWF was powerful back in 1998/1999, to the point that when ABC's MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL tried to move its game time to 8 PM mondays at the time, WWF *whipped* it in the ratings. Ouch. Not to mention that as legend claims, the Walt Disney Corporation(parents of ABC, ESPN, etc.) tried to *bribe* the WWF into moving RAW to another night with about $100 million. Of course this was before Vince Big Mac's company deflated and the disaster that was the XFL.