Episode III is probably the *best* Star Wars game ever made, at least from a gameplay standpoint. It sets the standard for lightsaber battles (yes, besting the PC Jedi Knight games which originated the lightsaber fighting) and uses each characters individual style, from Anakin to Obi-Wan to Dooku to Vader (and more).

The only problem is that its story driven (obviously) for the movie, so the story is linear, although they through in multiplayer/bonus missions that are pretty cool, as well as a great 2-player dual mode, which is really fun.

I'd rate it 5/5.

As far as The Show goes, I don't have it. I bought MLB 2K6, which is a great game, that needs some work around the edges. At the heart though, it is a *good* baseball game, and I'd rate it better than the MVP series, which I had previously bought in the past.