Guys, I don't wanna break the bubble, but the spoiler I disclosed is CONFIRMED. Either this sunday or the next, its gonna happen.

My guess? The boys track down Vito in New Hampshire, and then shit hits the fan...or who knows, Vito goes back to tie up loose ends, and somehow, he gets involved in the situation with YOU KNOW WHO and does YOU KNOW WHAT.

Now imagine if Vito was able to basically restart himself there, you know what would happen? Start his own syndicate, try to peddle drugs, pornography, prostitution, you name it....

Here is what AICN exactly reported:

""A friend who works in the filming world mentioned that on the Sopranos there’s a violent rape scene between Joseph R. Gannascoli [who plays Vito Spatafore] and Will Janowitz [who plays Finn DeTrolio] will occur within the next two episodes. Cast members mentioned that it is so disgusting that many walked off set sick from it." "
