I'm surprised there was a negative reaction towards this episode. I throughly enjoyed it. I think it really just comes down to the direction in some cases. I don't know if this is just me, but I felt this episode was well paced and well organized and I feel thats largely due to Tim Van Patten's direction. Certain episodes this year I felt were largely flawed in their direction and it can really just make the difference sometimes.

As far as Vito's unresolved storyline, I was somewhat annoyed at first but ultimately I appreciate it. I was actually not a fan of Eugene's storyline being raced through in one episode, and I feel as though Vito is an important enough character and his outing is important enough to the storyline that he deserves to be in the forefront for more than one episode.

We almost deserve it for the classic Chase move of outing him to the viewers but then letting the storyline lay silent for the rest of the season.

My updated Season 6 episode rankings ....

1. Members Only (6.1)
2. Live Free or Die (6.6)
3. Join the Club (6.2)
4. Mr. and Mrs. Sacrimoni Request (6.5)
5. Mayham (6.3)
6. The Fleshy Part of the Thigh (6.4)

I dream in widescreen.