As much as I'd hate to see Paulie go, I'm starting to see it as a possibiltiy. He has been given tons of screentime the past few episodes, especially tonight, where he seemed to be featured as much as Tony. Also, weve always known that his mother was the most important person in his life and now his world has been turned upside down in that regard. Not to mention going over Tony's head with Jason Barone.

We musn't forget that this is the last season and a few of the main characters have to get clipped. I just dont see any way around that. Two regular characters did die in the first episode though, so I dont think we need to worry about Paulie quite yet, but maybe somewhere around episode 8 or 9. Hard to imagine going 10 episodes without him though.

"As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster." - Henry Hill