Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[QB]Not necessarily...could've been a quick acting poison that Connie laced into the cannoli. What makes you think Don A suffocated?
well, he seems to be gasping for air, however still sitting there perfectly still holding his canolli, the worst thing is that his hand goes limp after he dies. that's just stupid!
I would guess he's panicking. And apparently the 'thugs' did not do a fabulous slicing job so maybe the blood is just trickling. Anyway, a hat would absorbe dripping blood better than a hand, eh? lol
well, he doesn't hold it to the wound to still the bleeding, but just holds it under his throat to collect the blood. maybe he didn't want his blood to ruin the floor!

Again, not necessarily. Though shot through the eye, bullet could've affected an area of the brain where death would not be instantaneous; thus the slow lowering of the head. Despite what the majority seems to think, I've always liked the way Moe Green dies. More dramatic to watch then just seeing him blown away like so many others.
yeah, could be. it's a minor thing anyway, because the way he's shot is great!

Johnny does struggle at first, I believe he grabs at the hanger and it appears at one point he's about to break free. But Brusetta has a pretty tight hold so there's not much he can do. Then once we hear the crack of the neck breaking that's it...he's dead and falls limp. Why doesn't he flail his legs you say? Because the threat is at his neck and that's where he's going to struggle.

By the way, Luca Brasi didn't stuggle at all. Not that he wasn't strong enough...but with his hand impaled to the bar and the garrot being pulled tight, there was little for the poor lug to do but bug his eyes out and make that aweful sound as he slowly sank to the floor.
well, if his neck broke than that changes it a bit. still he just wriggles one or two times before he dies. i think someone being strangeled puts up more of a fight!

and luca brazi did struggle. of course he was hindered by the knife in his hand, but he puts up more of a fight than johnny ola, he at least really tries to get free!