Possible spoilers for those who haven't seen all the episodes

They've been running repeats of The Sopranos and although I haven't watched all of the repeats, I do enjoy seeing them a second and third time. I love some of the humor, be it unintentional or not.

Last night they had the episode in which Chrissy sits on Adrianna's dog and kills it. I know! Not a funny thing to happen in real life, but it cracked me up how stoned Chris was and then Adrianna's shocked looked when she asked Chris where the dog was and he said he didn't know. There it is under him.

Then, in the same episode they had the surprise intervention for Chris so he hopefully would acknowledge his drug problem. Adrianna starts the session and sobbingly told Chris that he killed her dog. The look on Tony's face!! He says "Hold it! Wait a minute! You killed a dog?" ha ha ha!! He was pissed and he was serious but it's so Tony!!!

Oh, and this was the same episode that Paulie takes the picture of Pie O' My (the horse) and hangs it in his house, with the scene ending with Paulie staring at the picture of the Tony with the horse, looking kind of freaked as though Tony was staring back at him.

Anyone else laugh at moments that aren't necessarily meant to be funny????

I can't wait for it to return


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon