Moan alert:

What are E4 and Channel 4 doing with The Sopranos right now?

For those who don't know, E4 show a new episode on a Tuesday evening, was at 22:00 every week but has now been punted back to 22:30 for a comedian reality programme.

That episode is only available via satellite/cable etc. It is repeated the following Monday on the terrestrial Channel 4 (i.e. the time when most people will be able to watch a new episode)

This was at 23:00 every week, but is now on at 23:30 due to repeats of Father Ted!

Very unfair treatment of the programme in my view, an angry email has been sent for all the good it will do.

They were quick to advertise the series weeks in advance of it coming back, now they punt it back to daft times of the night! Would not be so bad for most people if it was a weekend night, but a Monday night at 23:30??

What time was it aired on HBO when first shown in the USA?