Originally posted by Just Lou:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Goodfella 69:
[qb]They didn't have a personal hate for each other. It was "business". In fact, it made Junior sick to his stomach when it was supposed to go down. Junior, with OK from Tony's mother gave the order to whack Tony. The hit was organized by Junior's right hand man Mikey Palmice. 2 black guys in a comical attempt to get Tony wound up dead, and Tony sustained minor injuries. When Tony found out the truth, he let Junior live, but wiped out just about his entire crew. He also went to the hospital where his mother was, and it was implied that he was going to attempt to kill her, but she had a stroke.
ive often wondered about this. why would the FBI play tony the tapes of junior and livia conspiring against him when surely they would know that, with tony knowing the identities of his would-be assasins, there would surely be a bloodbath as they had pointed the finger squarely at junior?

"We're showin' the flag"

"The flag of fuckin' Antarctica"