I have been reading this thread for a while, and I think this is all lame. I am ethnically Filipino, but growing up in Southern California by the beach, all of my friends and neighbors happened to be blonde, caucasian, and liked to surf. I did things that they did, like surfing and skateboarding, so was I trying to be white? No. I was just being exactly what I was, which is a Southern Californian.

I have a cousin who goes to boarding school in England. He's half Filipino and half Norweigian, but he's got an English accent. Is he trying to be English? No. He just speaks like that because he spent his formative years in England and has adapted their customs.

People give Eminem a lot of crap because he's a white rapper, but he grew up in an area where he was exposed to the rap culture, so that's what he knew. If anything, these people who are allegedly "trying" to be like another culture are much more open-minded than a lot of you, who think that because your ancestors happen to be from a certain country that you "own" the rights to the beat of the Sopranos theme song.