In my family we always were taught never to be afraid to say what we thought. I do think it's true. We are far too politically correct in America. I don't mean to stir up trouble, though. Maybe it is because of where I live, but in my mind blacks aren't minorities. Down here in Louisiana black people have a lot of power and influence. I also believe that the only thing holding African-Americans back are their own attitudes. I have many black friends, and I live in an area where the population is equal parts black and white. Some black people I know cannot let go of the past and just consider themselves American. The rest are being held back by those who create a bad image for themselves. There is a difference between remembering your heritage and wanting to be seperated from whites all together. I just hope that one day color won't matter... even if it isn't until after I die.

The Mafia is like fire: It can keep you warm or it can burn you alive.