Since The Godfather Returns is supposed to fill in the gaps of what happened in bewteen the movies, what are you looking for to be wrapped up?

Myself, i'm on the watch for;

1. A good explination how Clemenza, and Tom Hagen died.
2. What happened to Willie Cicci after Part II
3. How did Joey Zasa rise through the ranks
4. The wherabouts of Sonny, Connie, and Hagen's children
5. Clarification on Hagen's supposed affair with Sandra
6. Who was Altobello exactly, and what was his relationship with the Corleones before Part III
7. What Vincent did with the family before Part III
8. When was B.J. Harrison hired and a little on his background

As you can see, I've got a lot I'm looking for. Alot of these things may seem minor because they deal with lesser characters, but that was the beauty of the original book. Al Neri, Paulie Gatto, and the capos all got a pretty decent story to go along with them and that helped flesh out the whole epic. Anyone else got anything they want explained more?


"We've all heard the story of the canary who could sing, but couldn't fly"