Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
It's just slang SC, just like you say tomato and we say toma- no that doesn't work. Ok, we can say buttie, you'll say sub etc for a sandwich. The major difference is, we are more exposed to your slang through Americans domination of Films/tv etc. so there isn't much you can say that would baffle us. We on the other hand could talk a whole 'nutha langauge to you guys.

I went down cruiser and got bloody mullered, ended up ramshanking with the town bike and now she's up the duff.
does that mean you got drunk as hell, screwed a whore, and got her knocked up?

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" -Micheal Corleone

"Suck it up, take the fall, do the time. That makes you what you are, that makes you who you are." -John Gotti

"you heard of the new chinese godfather? He made em an offer they couldnt understand" -Corrado Soprano

"Ahhh, im gonna go wash up" -Paulie Gultiari