[img]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:fPux9lBCXlEC:cuisung.unige.ch/gif/crown.gif[/img] Sir, I apologize for any undue distress I might have caused you because of the posting of your photos. I was not aware that I was using your bandwidth, nor was I aware that I was breaking any copyright laws.

I am not gaining any monetary gain from this post and since I don't have a scanner nor a digital camera, my sole purpose was to make some folks aware of this fine canine breed. I owned and trained my own ACD during the time that it was just entered into the Misc. Category of the AKC. People in NYC would stop me to ask "What mixture is that mutt?".

I did not mean to imply that I trained the dogs. I'll delete the post when you've seen this message.

I hope you find and similarly lambaste and reprimand those other posters who have less noble reasons to use your photos than mine.

BTW, I admire your site very much.

Foolish consistencies are the hobgoblins of little minds.