Hi, my name is Leigh Di Pietro [Leigh = mothers' influence]. I am happy to say I stumbled upon this site while searching for Mario Puzo Information. I was reading the posts and 'AUSTRALIA' caught my attention. This was the fist I'd heard of a number of things, those being, Godfather Part 4 - is this mere speculation or is that where I've come in to the discussion?, the filming of it in Australia.

I kept reading, one post that crept from the screen, snuck up behind me and slipped the garotte slowly and silently over my neck, until . . .sorry, excuse me.

This is the worse thing that can possible happen. THE GODFATHER DOWN UNDER!'

Considering that I am a new user, I have respect for the obvious regulars of this bulletin board, and therefore will keep my thoughts and comments to myslef, for now.

But please in the future, be [trying not to sound like Yoda] mindful of those who lurk in the background.

As of today I will be a regular member of this bulletin board, please treat with caution what it is, that you do not know. Besides I'm still getting used to this whole technology stuff.

On a more somber note, my comiserations go out to any of those reading whose lives, or the lives of loved ones were adversely affected by the events of 9/11.

L. S. Di Pietro