I wasn't a member of this board until I saw the comments about Australia. Am I the only Australian here??
Anyway, apparently the Matrix was a big hit, and that was made in Australia. What's so bad about Oz? It's not all kangaroos AND I HATE STEVE IRWIN!!!! That is NOT a real Aussie accent, he is SO faking it!!
Really, would it being filmed in Australia irritate you all THAT MUCH?? I read that someone posted that if it was filmed here it wouldn't be worth watching. Why? Can I please hear the reasoning behind the answer? Everyone keeps saying- "Australia?? NOOOO!!" Why??? If it's about accents- were there any Aussies in the Matrix?? (i can't remember-only seen it once)Simon Baker in The guardian is an aussie. Can you tell? (i have no clue)
If you think that we sound funny, you should hear yourselves!! 2 weeks sgo i met this 22 year old guy from New York, and iI felt like I was on an episode of seinfeld- NO JOKE!! It was eerie.
Maybe it'll just be in Australia so that they can save money. Like in the Matrix, they'll pretend to be in America, and Australia will probably have nothing at all to do with the plot. I betcha that they won't even mention the country throughout the entire movie.
I'm reading all this slang that you've put in your posts and I find it all very entertaining. koalas?? Yeah I've held one- ONCE. At a theme park. And like Americans don't have barbecues. Please.
You all seem to assume that they'll be casting Aussies with speaking roles. Probably not- or IF it is filmed here, they'll have to pretend to sound American- which we do half the time anyway, cos your accent cracks us up.
And to whoever said
No offense to the Aussies, but I think the 'love-affair the Americans had with the Aussies are over. We are in love with ourselves. AMERICAN PRIDE
that just backs up the insulting remarks that most Australians make about you.
I have no idea why I'm so defensive. My apologies if I irritated anyone, but these comments expressed what little you know about Australia- or are you just exaggerating? Personally I really hope that these posts weren't serious. If they were, i shall crack up laughing, then kill steve Irwin and Paul hogan for making the entire 18 million of us aussies look stupid.
- Kat
P.S- I have never heard anyone say G'day (except those absurd characters in Aussie movies)