Don's Advisor,

With all due respect, let me try to explain my thinking ok?

I don't object to the other actors' roles you mentioned. With the exception of Pacino and DeNiro,( DeNiro, who I thought was ALL Italian til recently) I had no idea of what heritage the other people were, and I suppose that's exactly why all those you mentioned fit in their role, they were believeable in their parts.

Like I said, I don't think AG is a bad actor, and don't dislike him. I just don't think he fits in with the "Corleone" family no more than Pacino would fit in a remake of say, "The Quiet Man", (an old John Wayne movie based around life in Ireland.) For that matter neither would DeNiro, and he IS mostly Irish. Neither would look the part, yet both are remarkable actors.

Granted, being Italian myself, I do enjoy having a couple good Italian actors into the mix when a movie is made about "Italian Mafia". I guess I am kind of biased in that respect. But it does seem logical as well

As far as Pacino in Scarface, yea, he isn't Cuban, but in my eyes, he is the definite exception, because he played the role to perfection as most people here I think will attest to. He was totally believeable. (however, perhaps those who are Cuban feel differently)

Anyway, no need to worry, cause I know the bigwigs won't be contacting me for any advice, and if another GF is made, AG may very well take the lead, I don't know!!! One thing is for sure tho, I definitely will see it, no matter who is in it.

Take Care

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon