Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Pleaaasee! No Andy Garcia,

That would really be a "minus" to me. I don't mind Garcia or his acting, however, he is soooo wrong for the part. I have seen him on some "Spanish/Mexican" stations here in California speaking for "hispanic" causes, presenting Latin awards, etc., which is all fine.... and probably has something to do with I DON'T think of him as Italian at all, and to try to convince me of that on film, after hearing him speak so proudly of his own heritage is impossible. I sure hope they don't blow it and put him in it. IMHO!!

I guess you might object to these too:

* Marlon Brando playing Vito? Brando is of Irish descent. And regarding political activism, remember when Brando sent a Native American to refuse his Godfather Oscar? What about Brando's anti-semetic statements, for which he later apologized?

* Al Pacino playing Scarface? (where Robert Loggio is Lopez, Murray Abraham is Omar Suarez) or in Carlito's Way? Does that Pacino is not hispanic take away from these films?

* DeNiro playing Young Vito? DeNiro is Irish-Italian - more Irish than Italian.

What about Charlton Heston playing Moses? Heston is not Jewish. Or just about any western in which someone played an Indian or Mexican (i.e. Eli Wallach - Don Altobello in GF3 - playing Ugly Mexican Tuco in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly").

"A refusal is not the act of a friend"