like Zasa, I'm working on an outline for a GF4 story.. I was inspired by Ricardo's treatment and mainly because he never completed his version. I took the liberty to adapt his first two acts and extrapalate (?) it... I adapted so far a few acts in different time periods, and have completed about half the outline.

this is an overview of all fragments:

The order of scenes
Mario Puzo’s The Godfather PART IV”
*1 1997. Funeral of Michael Corleone. Image of Vincent, fading into image of young Santino (his father)

*2 1924. Vito&Carmella’s 10th wedding anniversary. This is five years after Fanucci’s killing. Within these five years Vito ought ot have built up some reputation. {He kills Don Ciccio in 1927, so there should be a gap there. The Vito in 1920’s story would be two parts: one prior to the Ciccio killing and one after the Sicily trip. The one after deals with the Castellamarese war, the one before (this one) with Roth, Greene, “Genco’s”, the Corleone Family rise, etc.}. This second scene covers roughly 1924-1926, includes a lot of Clemenza, Tessio, Genco, Moe Greene (some Roth) and all of the succesfull businesses of the Family, including all smuggling activities.

*3 This scene covers 1984-1986. Vincent is left alone in NY by Michael who moved to Sicily in 1984. After four years of semi-legitimate business, Vincent lost his position as boss-of-bosses to DiCanio, get’s threatened by him and in the end of this scene, Vincent kills him (similar to Castellano killing). During this chapter, Vincent’s contacts with Russia, Japan, Columbia, Mexico and Florida become clear. He also meets Santino JR and makes him his own Luca Brasi, while Neri becomes his wartime advisor.

*4 1927. Vito returns from Sicily. He tells Clemenza and Tessio back home about his trip, and why he killed Don Ciccio>cut to: 1888, the Antonio Andolini story.

*5 1986-1989. Vincent goes on a world trip. He makes Victor Rizzi (Connie’s son) his consiglieri, and takes him with him. They go to Columbia, Japan, Russia and stop by on Sicily for a bit. Here is the only scene with Al Pacino! Willy Cicci, the former head of the Corleone Family, tells Vincent to stop with the drug-ring for he’s disgracing his Family. Vincent doesn’t listen, Cicci wants him dead, but instead Victor Rizzi kills Cicci and makes his bones.

*6 This scene covers 1927-1931, ending with the formation of the Five Families. In these scenes a Ciccio relative wanting to avenge Ciccio’s death by killing Vito. Also the Castellamarese wars. Maresia gets killed. Start of the Maranzala Cosa Nostra. Maranzala gets killed on Vito’s order. Five Family structure goes on without boss-of-bosses, but Vito becomes the most powerfull. His rivality with Tattaglia get’s nastier by the day.

*7 Vincent scenes. Vincent has full power over the NY mafia. The old boss-of-bosses is dead, and the old Corleone Family patriarch Cicci as well. Vincent keeps an eye open for his enemies, Cavanio and Damanerio. His foreign partners pressure him to show more and better financial results, and it get’s worse when Neri starts to resist Vincent’s orders. More trials concerning Vincent come, all with a lot of media attention. Vincent is taken to court. BJ Harrison is his attourney, Dominic Abbandando his PR advisor, coming over from Rome a few times a year.

*8 The Irish war. Vito gets shot, Tattaglia enters picture as a succesor of one of the original five heads. Two other heads get killed in this war, like a lot of Irish gangsters too. Luca Brasi kills a lot of men for Vito, including the one who shot the Don. The scene ends in 1935, the beginning of a ten year period opf untouchability of the Corleone’s.

*9 1990’s. The final trials with Vincent Corleone. The pressure from the Yakuza & drug cartels grows. Years of trials follow. Vincent becomes a media-personality, and press coverage of the trials is enormous. A hitman hired by Cavanio (the Cuneo Don) murders Santino JR to avenge the death of DiCanio many years before, a close friend of Cavanio. Vincent reacts by the most brutal slaughtering in history, of a Cavanio underboss. Then a close Fam.member gets scared of being the next victim, a pray for either an avenging Cavanio or for a distrustfull Vincent. He rats on him and makes a deal with the FBI (1994).

*10 Final Old-story scenes. Sonny gets succesfull, becomes a killer. In the end, the Family moves to the Long Island compound. Moe Greene realizes his idea for a desert stopover in Nevada. Vito and Rothstein have arguments and stop business relations.

*11 1997, Vincent is condemned, but in prison appoints a capo as the working leader, who coordinates the murders of the heads of the Yakuza mob, the Russian mob, the Columbian drug cartels, the Mexican, the Florida Family and two other NY families (including Cavanio himself). This all happens just after Michael Corleone’s funeral. The rat, Victor Rizzi, is put into witness protection program, leaving him no chance to run the Family he betrayed. With Vincent in prison, Michael and Santino JR dead, the Corleone family is dead as well.

So there you have it. A 3+ hour movie in 11 parts: 6 of Vincent (not too long ones), 4 long ones about Vito & Sonny and 1 short one about Antonio Andolini.

so far, act 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are finished, and I'm halfway through act 5 and 8