It takes you long to adapt to his performace , i watch the whole movie and can't adapt to him being a Sicilian but to each his own. With that out of the way, Andy becoming Micheal would be very one uninovative and two unacceptable one of the many reasons i didn't like GFIII was that they tried to make it like the first one too much in some ways like they have Vincent kill Zaza because "Al Neri: if Micheal survives this. Vincent:Zaza might not even let uncle Micheal survive this." i think they tried to make it to simular to the first one the same music playing when Vincent was made the Don perhaps they were trying to bring some old magic back but it just couldn't be done. If Micheal was that much like Vito would it be any Entertainment in watching GFII, would there have been a GFII, would it have been as good as it was. It ENDS with GFII NO MORE that was THE CORLEONE empire and it ended with that last shot of micheal the tale of the CORLEONE family ended with Micheal completly unvunarable and having gotten rid of his enemies and chinks in the Corleone family's fortress(all traitors). Well that's what i think at least.