All right, this is my opinion which sums up my reasoning why I don't think Andy Garcia should be in GF4. I hope I have been here long enough that my friends on the board will take this the way I mean it. Andy Garcia is Cuban/Latino right? He has been on many Latino award shows/I believe has been involved in many Latino causes & I've seen him on the "Spanish" stations here in California. Well, that's wonderful, but, that is the exact reason why he shouldn't play an Italian, he would not be believeable. We all know him as a Cuban/Latino actor.

I recently saw "The Wedding Planner" with Jennifer Lopez and it was not a bad movie. However, she played the part of an Italian girl in an Italian family. Well, I laughed it was so unbelievable. It's the same with Jennifer, who rightfully shows her "Latino" pride; I could NOT buy her as an Italian. I remember her promoting "Selena" saying how it was important to have Latino entertainment, etc.

Now, one could say Pacino should have never played "Scarface" because he was not Cuban. However, in all honesty, Pacino was never the activist, shall we say, for Italian causes, even though I'm sure he is a proud Italian. Therefore, I think that's where the difference is. Garcia is a good actor (good looking too), but out of place in the "Italian" setting. Does anyone know what I mean???? Guinea, you know what I mean???

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon