Instead of all this rambling, extending ideas previously made by rumors of a GF4 stemming from comments made by Andy Garcia et al., Why doesn't everybody try to rewrite GF3? I mean, it really didn't do the first two movies any justice. That's why USA and TNN won't show GF3 with the first two because it just wasn't as good.

Now, I know what I'm saying may sound sacrilege to many of you, but when you look at a movie like 3, you have be pretty pissed about the way things turn out, especially with a movie like Goodfellas coming out in the same year.

I liked GF3, but there's too many loose ends in it. Why follow up one not-as-great film with another, then offer up the possibility of a GFV, GfVI, etc. so we become Star Wars?

"Oh, I remember! The FBI. They came to me. The promised me a deal. The FBI said Micheal Corleone did this, the FBI said Micheal Corleone did that, and I said, 'YEAH!'"

--Frank Pentangli, before a Senate subcomittee.