Originally posted by Ricardo:
...You wouldn't know this (Novel, of course!) but Lucy mancini is incapable of getting pregnnat, so....
Sure I would know it. Just from being a member of this board since August 2001, I know alot of things about the novel that aren't indicated in the films (thank goodness). Like I've said before, a few more months and I'll probably never even have to pick up the book, will know the whole story thanks to you & others.

Originally posted by Ricardo:
...What's YOUR opinion?
On GF3? See my earlier post above.

On FFC, Puzo, and the novel? It's apparent that GF3 is based NOT on the novel, but on the two films that came before it, part of which were again, not based on the novel, but original screenplay. FFC & Puzo co-wrote (not RE-wrote) all three, but Puzo deferred on GF3, feeling that it was FFC's baby not his. Whatever the quality of the final product, Puzo was right. GF3 was FFC's baby.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.