Originally posted by Apolla:

Well, well, well.........I've been corrected. If you actually read the book you would know that my quote comes from the book, not the movie as I find this one more like Michael's style. When you spoke of me being a moron because of me getting the release time of the 3rd movie wrong, it would be good if you had of actually inquired as to which film I was referring to and found out I was referring to the 1st film. Also, in the future if you would like to make a lame attempt to insult me, please do it privately and not waste precious space on the messege board.[/QB]

It would be good if I had actually inquired as to which film you were referring to and found out you were talking about the first film??? What does this say:
1. The film would be made 20, 30 years after the first 3 films and that in itself is stupid......

First Three! That means it includes the last one. I don't appreciate it when you call other people idiots. Maybe they have a different opinion than yours, is that too big of a problem. What, you can't discuss it with the person instead of name calling.

"I had a whole different destiny planned." -Michael Corleone