Response to MFMs "5 reasons why a 4th one would work"...

1)An ending that can settle people who wanted a good ending.

As was proven with GFIII, that's not so easily possible. Can't keep making sequels until everybody agrees we've finally got a "good ending".

2)Invite young and old to embrace The Godfather movies.

That's already happened. This board alone has members ranging from early teens to mid-50's & probably older than that.

3)We will have Tom back(always a plus)

That's not a guaranteed thing (unless MFM is Robert Duvall).

4)Gets FFC to make a better box set.

See answer to #1; applies to box sets as well as sequels.

To gratefully quote Appola, the best decision would be to "...leave well enough alone."


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.