no way should a GFIV be made...with both Vito and Michael dead and mostly everyone else around michaels age dead, as he looked pretty damn old when he died, and couldnt be a would be a 50 year old Vincent and everyone else would be new. It would be its own new movie not a continuation. If they made it a prequel they would have a better chance of a good movie but u cant make actors look youner just older so it wouldnt work out and if they actually did make one it would be horrible and hurt the legacy of the Godfather. If they want to make it so bad they should get different names and call it a different name cuz with everyone dead (in the movie) or old (in real life) it just wouldnt work out as GF4 plus with the death of Puzo (RIP) no way

Yeah, a buffer... the family had a lot of buffers!
,/,(ô_ô),\, DoN KraYziE ,/,(ô_ô),\,