Why did Provenzano went hiding in '63 already, and Riina only later on, in '70?

They call Provenzano "Zu Binnu". What does that mean?

After the first Mafia war in the second half of the '60's, were the Corleonesi then already the most powerful faction in Sicily? I know Leggio, Riina, and Zu Binnu went after all the Navarra people after they killed Navarra in at the end of the '50's, but did they also went after the Palermitani (sp?) in the first Mafia War, or was that only in the Second?

Does the Cupola still exist today? If no, when was it done away? If yes, was Provenzano the head of it?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.