Originally posted by Don Cardi:

But there is a difference. ALL CEO"s of banks or corportations are not bad people, ALL politicians are not bad people ( debatable for the GENERAL thread ) but ALL Mobsters ARE bad people.
We may go deeper and ask what's good man. You may never kill anyone, always obey the law, and yet be bad, and hate people, and make the life of others true hell, causing their early decease from natural causes. You may behave very morally and yet poison the air around you.
And you may be even a murderer, but capable of generosity and kindness. Of all that covers multitude of sins.
I think there are no such people - only good or only bad. We are all just people, and have something good and evil inside, all of us, only in different proportions and mixtures, so to say.
And why do you think I would be proud if my kid wishes to be president and kill thousands of innocent people, and children, with his politics, or with his army? Just an example, of course, no disrespect to anyone intended...

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.