hmmm thanks for the suggestion......I'll ha ve to check it out

Yeah i totally agree Anthony Quinn who plays mr. neil does an excellent job I thought his performance was probably the best in the movie with Armand in a close second

Witness to the mob made me think of a mob moive triology set that I came across years ago that had short mob moive like "Honor thy father", "Familyl Enforcer", and "Mob Wars"
Io have the case but I lost the Cd but in Family enorcer we get to see a very young Joe Pesci which is very exciting to watch the movies are the best and the most the actors in them in real lame but It's a preatty cool thing to have for a Mafia lover like myself

Have you heard of these movies or seen them Don Cardi (probably a stupid question)

Joe Batters

Aspanu summon the all of the chiefs