How bout the ending of Taxi Driver? The guy gets his whole hand blown off!

Insomnia-the end shootout
Devil's Advocate-The two suicides
Donnie Brasco-some sick shit here
Kingpin-The rape scene, some other brutal murders, the butchered dog
15 Minutes-That Emil guy scared me
Frankenstein-Sorry but...I cant watch that movie EVER again!
Angel heart-The whole movie is one big freak out (Voodoo, chicken sacrifice, bloody sex scenes, human hearts)
Once Upon A Time In America-lots of shocking scenes
Deer Hunter-Russian Roulette, Nick's Suicide
Reservoir Dogs-Mr. White torturing the cop
Pulp Fiction-the "GIMP"
Schindlers List-brutal reality
Platoon-black guy brutalized by Viet Cong, the one guy torturing the villagers