Hey Carol how're you?

Was there any favourite book (wheather his or somebody else's)for Mario (RIP)?

Did he ever mention something about another book that he'd wish he could have written something like that?

Is there any author that, to your knowledge, Mario (RIP) felt jealous of his/her writing talent?

What were his favourite book? Movie? Song? (Personally, I have different favourites at different times, but they fluctuate within a numbered few, did he have anything like that?)?

How about yours (Books, movies, songs, author that you envied)


"..Your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword.."

"...now you gotta speak more than one language to pull a heist..." Pudge Nichols

"...Never shall innocent blood be shed; yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The THREE shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeaful striking hammer of God..."