Originally posted by SC:
Ms. Gino -

First, and foremost, I'd like to thank you for coming to these boards to discuss "The Family". I'm not [b]that
much of an avid reader, but I've read "The Godfather" about 20 times (the first time after graduating high school in 1969), and its probably my all time favorite piece of fiction. I was also very impressed by your "Rusty's Story" (I had a cat that had epilepsy, and in trying to understand what she was going through, I picked up your book). It was probably one of the most gut wrenching "true" stories I've ever read!

Anyway, I'm intriqued by "power" and with those who wield it. "The Godfather" and "The Sicilian" had characters who certainly fit into that category, and it sounds like "The Family" will have some more.

My question is this: Did Mr. Puzo ever talk about this (the powerful people he wrote about)?

Update: I just read your Afterword, which Geoff posted today, and it answered my question

Did Mr. Puzo ever go into why he was fascinated by "power"?? (I can't say why I am so interested in it).

BTW - That Afterword was really poignant! I think the last time I was so looking forward to the release of a book was back in 1969 when I read Dick Schaap's review of "The Godfather". Here it is, 32 years later, and I'm eagerly looking forward to another story by the same author. Its funny how some things don't change.

[ September 10, 2001: Message edited by: SC ][/b]

SC. Mario often talked about people who weilded power, and his approach was "never use power because it's easy to your hand." He knew that the abuse of power was the most dangerous of human "sins" and yet he always had an "affection" for the villians he wrote about. Not in real life, but in fiction.