Hello Ms. Gino. Its a pleasure to ask you my questions and welcome the board that JG has done us all so proud.

I'm very exited for the release of The Family

I'm interested in the characters of The Family. What sort of connection will the audience of the book be able to make with the characters? Who are the main characters?
For example with The Sicilian we have Salvatore Giuliano and can establish trust with him. Most of us would like to think we have some of the traits of young Turi. His braveness, intelligence and so on. The audience is gripped into the book wanting only what he deserves. Will The Family be able to make the same connection as like most of Mario's work has done for us? I ask this because it sounds like a treacherous story. I hope its not too much of a wierd question.

Thank you very much.

Also in completion I have to say this is one of the most beautifull pictures i've ever seen... Where abouts is it?

[ September 09, 2001: Message edited by: Turi Giuliano ]

So die all who betray Giuliano