Well Paul pulled off the hat trick!

This morning when I turned on my cell phone, there was a 'ONE NEW VOICEMAIL' message. So I dialed my voicemail to retrieve the message. I listened to it and when it was over there was another message which said "YOU HAVE ONE SAVED MESSAGE." And I was like "What the fock" because I NEVER save my voicemail messages and always delete them. So I retrieve this supposed saved message and lo and behold it starts out " Hey, it's me, Paul, how are you doing...."

My heart almost dropped out of me! I remember the message well from when I first got it from Paul, and I know that I deleted it because I always delete my messages. Besides, yesterday I got a voice message from someone else and when I listened to it and it was finished, I did not have any other messages, new or saved!

And today this old message that I know I deleted pops up?

It was really great to hear his voice again , but at the same time it was very sad .

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.