Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
He often talked of Vickie who like myself grew up in Phila,. One day he mentioned his ‘honey from Phila’ to which I naturally assumed he meant me  He actually PM me to help settle debates that he and Vickie would have over regional sayings. One time, they were in a restaurant and she asked for something in a particular way – I forget the details now. He of coursed challenged her and said that is not how you say or ask for that. She said yes it was that is how they talked where she grew up. Apparently that was not how they did in NY and being one not to back down from a debate kept it going with her. He PM’d me later asking to settle the bet they had – I agreed with Vickie’s use of the saying, whatever it was – it was how we talked in Phila. He was not thrilled with my response – knowing him he probably didn’t even go back and tell her that I agreed.

Didn't it have something to do with saying the term, "Going down the ocean", or "Down the shore"?

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.