Whenever I think of New York I'll always have fond memories of Paul. I've been there a total of 4 times in the past 3 years or so, and each time I've either had dinner with Paul or spend a day with him, just showing me the sights. He and New York go together like peanut butter and jelly. I remember I was there 2 years ago. It was the day that Jason Varitek of The Red Sox and Alex Rodriques of The Yankees got into a brawl. I felt like I was in the heart of the city that day, experiencing a real Yankee moment. We had dinner at Paul's favorite restaurant, Cite. I'll have to go there again just to raise a glass of wine, (or two), in his honor.

The BB had a dinner get together a few months ago in New Jersey. I was greatful to be able to attend that one. I spent 3 days in New Jersey, and Paul was a gracious host. He had been getting increasingly weak by this time, but he still wanted to see to it that I got to see some sights. He drove me around his old childhood stopping grounds in Brooklyn; we drove past the old Ebbitts field, and stopped at Nathan's in Coney Island so I could have a real New York hot dog. He did all this with a smile on his face. I will be forever humbled to have been a part of his life. Till his last breath he would do anything for anybody, and be hurt if you needed something and didn't ask. He would give 110%. They'll never be another like him.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.