This is truely a sad sad day. I consider myself to be VERY fortunate indeed to have met Neal here on the BB and last year at the BB convention. I will never forget it. Me and Becky just got out of the outside pool we were dripping wet walking to the door and this man comes up to me and said "Are you Mignon?" And I said yes I am. He introduced himself. I was so embarrassed meeting him for the first time in my bathing suit. I got to sit next to him at dinner that night and we had some nice conversations. I was really sorry that he was to sick to come to the convention this year.

I got to talk to him on the phone awhile back he asked who he was talking to I told him it was his favorite redneck he said hi Miggie. He told me on the phone that he had alot of respect for me driving long distances to go to the conventions.

Plaw, You're favorite redneck will never forget you. You will be in my heart forever. The BB will never be the same with out you.

To Plaw's girlfriend and Son,

You have mine and Becky's heartfelt sympathies. Please know that he is in peace and is no longer in pain.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12