Originally posted by afsaneh77:
[QB] It is no myth that the US and British media is sponsored by Zionists. They actually own the significant portion of the media and as the result they reflect the news as they please. The system is also tamper proof, so if a third party reflects some news that is unpleasant to them, they fall into anti-semite, anti-Jewish and terrorist loving category instantly.

... Exactly why I attempted, in my initial THREAD TITLE remarks-- to try to pre-emptively disclaim and deny any and all even mere suggestions-- of myself being someone who is "out to get all the JEWS!!!"
Those people DO exist. Most of them are raging nut-jobs and sometimes they can be extremely dangerous.

But others like myself that merely raise questions such as:

"Exactly WHAT are WE THE PEOPLE being TOLD of WHAT is REALLY going on in the world, and WHO are those that CONTROL and DETERMINE what WE (all of us, everybody, you and me)are actually ALLOWED to be aware of."

... And, in addition, asking for possible inquiry and accountability...

Well, those individuals are immediately labelled as "Anti-Semitic".

If I am wrong, or if anyone even thinks I am wrong, then somebody PLEASE post a photo clipping from ANY legitimate news source, concerning this specific subject.

THEN we can argue some more... And eventually we can all see the truth on this.

Power wears out those who do not have it.