Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Your 'theory' has a major flaw in it.

[quote]Zionist pigs who CONTROL almost every single facet of what we Americans are told and led to believe as true...

...JEWISH-controlled media which controls our foreign policy, and spoon-feeds us slanted "news" and downright lies...Has this entire (U.S.A.) nation under its' control.

But the awful truth IS that the so-called "Zionist Jewish" elite really DO have all of us FLAT OUT FUCKED with their propaganda and LIES...
ESPECIALLY how they lie and say that 9-11 was all President Clinton's fault...
Not true. The past 4 elections themselves disprove your theory that the Jews 'control' this country and the media and that they claim that 9/11 was Clinton's fault.

If anythng the Jewish faction has basically supported the democrats and President Clinton throughout the years. A study of American Jewish voting habits over the past 50 years shows that some 55 to 60 percent of the Jewish electorate pick Democrats almost automatically, while only 10 percent pick Republicans.

In 1992 the Jewish voters of this country overwelmingly rejected President George Bush Senior and he only received 10% of the jewish vote. The majority threw their support to Bill Clinton.

In 1996, President Clinton took 78 percent of the Jewish vote, with Bob Dole only managed 16 percent of the jewish for the Republicans.

In the 2000 Presidential elections 79 percent of American Jews voted for Al Gore, while only 19 percent voted for President Bush.

And even after 9/11, 3 years later in the 2004 elections, President Bush received only 22% of the Jewish vote.

Don Cardi

I NEVER said that "The Jews" control the U.S. electorate.

I DO believe that most people of Jewish persuasion are good, kind-hearted, devoutly religious and spiritually on the right and good path toward propriety and righteous living.

BUT-- and this IS a BIG BUTT--

It is an undeniable fact that people who happen to be of Jewish faith
--(at least they purport to be)--
Are in EXTREMELY disproportionate control of the so-called mass-media.

Everything from TV and films in Hollywood to the music industry to advertising agencies and the list goes on.

I am no Timothy McVeigh! I am not railing against the "evil Jewish conspiracy" or the so-called "Z.O.G."

All I am saying is... There DOES exist a LOT of prominent Jewish males in VERY highest echelons of the elite.

And THESE guys (We will call them "Zionists") seem to call ALL the shots...

And we as regular people of ALL different faiths end up having to catch the bloody, carnage-strewn fall-out from.

Power wears out those who do not have it.