I am about to attempt to discuss some VERY HAIRY stuff here. Some will accuse me of racism or being unpatriotic, or even worse. Death threats will not surprise me for what i am about to try to say.

I love my country. I love all of my brothers and sisters of all races and religions... Even the ones that want to kill me.

But the awful truth is that the corporate (I hate to say it but it IS true-- JEWISH-controlled) media which controls our foreign policy, and spoon-feeds us slanted "news" and downright lies...

Has this entire (U.S.A.) nation under its' control.


I KNOW NOT all the Jewish are bad--- Many are good, wonderful human beings.

But the Zionist pigs who CONTROL almost every single facet of what we Americans are told and led to believe as true, have left us all in the dark and ALL OF US-- no matter WHAT religion-- are left in the dark.

The truth exists that the corporate (I hate to say it but it IS true-- JEWISH-controlled) media spoon-feeds us... What THEY want us to know, from only THEIR perspective.


I KNOW NOT all Jews are bad--- THAT is just crazy.

But the Zionist pigs who CONTROL every single facet of what we Americans are told and led to believe, have left us all-- --ALL OF US-- no matter WHAT religion--

FUCKED UP 5 ways from Sunday (or Saturday or Friday or whatever your particular Sabbath falls on)...

I love ALL of my Jewish AND Muslim AND Christian and Hindu AND Buddhist AND Ba'hai and Animist AND whatever brothers and sisters of WHATEVER faith... Even those of NO faith...

But the awful truth IS that the so-called "Zionist Jewish" elite really DO have all of us FLAT OUT FUCKED with their propaganda and LIES...
ESPECIALLY how they lie and say that 9-11 was all President Clinton's fault...

Well.. At least Clinton's administration TRIED to recognize the very REAL threat of radical Islamists... And tried to take 'em out with missiles... This while in the midst of the so-called "scandal" where the Republicans tried to impeach him and cut his dick off...

Whereas the Cheney-Bush regime-- who are currently in POWER despite their MULTITUDE of REAL crimes-- has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to eliminate the threat to our once-great and proud nation. Nothing except lead us all to an unjustified, illegal war for their profit and corporate-interests... A war that has succeeded only in making the U.S. almost universally HATED.

Don't believe me?

OK. Fair enough.

I invite you to disagree.

BUT FIRST do some research that does NOT involve Murdoch's Orwellian media (i.e. NY POST, FOX News, et al)...

Try to watch some satellite feeds from other non-aligned nations (if you can)... READ a REAL book (if you can)... For Christ's sake if not your own...

THEN, once you have explored all the options which do NOT parrot the arch-right-wing party-line of the sinister, morally-questionable gang of criminals (a spade is a spade) who currently-- ILLEGALLY-- infest the integrity of the once-proud U.S.WHITE HOUSE...

THEN go ahead...Try to make up your OWN mind-- Without having it MADE UP FOR YOU... IF YOU EVEN CAN.

It truly makes me sad to write all of this.

I wish I was just lying and making it all up.

But... If YOU are fearless enough to do--As I have done-- And scratch JUST A LITTLE below the surface--- YOU will find that EVERY WORD I AM SAYING-- And a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT MORE SINISTER, UGLY STUFF-- Is RIGHT THERE below the surface of the shiny, polished corporate veneer...

...It is just WAITING for someone-- might be Woodward, might be Amy Goodman, might be someone else with some REAL INTEGRITY... YOU, maybe?
Someone with some REAL BALLS-- to actually come right OUT and


...About this whole LIE of this so-called "WAR ON TERROR."
And what has happened since this once-great nation was hijacked by a gang of evil thugs back in 2000.

Don't even believe me.
I do not care.

JUST DO YOURSELF a favor-- One that actually MATTERS--

FIND OUT for yourself THE TRUTH...

It is the ONLY fucking chance we-- as the human race-- have got.

It's ALL up to YOU.

Power wears out those who do not have it.