I'd like to see cached documents on this whack job's web site predicting Sept 11. I bet this tape was made after Sept 11.

As far as using names of board members in place of the likes of Mohammed Atta, that is despicable.

Has Bush used 9/11 for poltical purposes. Yes he has.
Has the Bush administration handled Afghanistan, Iraq or Katrina well? IMHO no.

Do people disagree with what I just said? Of course they do.

But we disagree respectfully (most of the time) and we have never ever gone to the level of comparing each other to the killers of 9/11.

Ice, you should go edit your post and delete board members names from your little rant. If you want to post that you think 9/11 was an inside job, go ahaead, and be prepared to debate the point with EVIDENCE. Oh, and by the way what happened to the "4 million" people who were going to be killed and to the declaration of "martial law" that moron "predicted?"

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."