Originally posted by Don Cardi:
You use the term "people" in your post and what you do is make it sound and imply that we are just arbitrarily blowing up innocent people. And the term "insurgency" makes it sound like these terrorists are minutemen fighting for freedom.

So I'll rephrase your question for you :

How many terrorists do we have to blow up that are a part of the extremist jihadist movement who's goal is to destroy all non believers?

As many bombs as it takes to eventually wipe these scumbags out or send them back to their caves.

Your question is one that really cannot be answered because it goes right back to my earlier assertions that the terrorists are not a part of a government, a military or a nation. So therefore it is almost impossible to estimate how many members are a part of their organization.

Don Cardi [/QB]
God dammit dude. Did I call them "minute-men" or freedom fighters? Fuck no. Really, be silly politically with others' posts, but I asked you a simple question, and through your post, I assume your answer is.....you don't know. Why couldn't you simply admit honestly, as JESUS would do, that you don't know? I mean not like I would be a bitch against you, because hey, I figure you or somebody might know, but whatever.

BTW Don Cardi, look up "insurgency" in the fucking Webster Dictionary, which unless you want to call it a liberial media outlet, is what it is:

Main Entry: in·sur·gen·cy
Pronunciation: -j&n(t)-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
1 : the quality or state of being insurgent; specifically : a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as belligerency

Really, DC, I'm sorry if I write like I'm pissed, but when you warp your posts into assumptions about me, then you've lost me.

P.S. - What else should I call them besides "people"? Arabs? Ragheads? Camel Jockeys? Madmen? I could have simply listed them as terrorists or meatbags or water flesh or whatever....besides, can't people be both evil and good?