As all the old timers from here know I like to let everyone know whats new in my life every few months of or year how ever it works out. OK, I am no longer with the Bike Club guess I am not much of a follower or I treatend someone as I am sure that is the case as always. I am back in Denver. Now I am in the Music Industry. I run Sunnylander Entertainment (AKA- DAGO PRODUCTIONS), Had to change Dago Produtions cause I had a few people bitch go figure they said that I might as well called it ****** Productions I said that they woud never understand and just changed it. Any ways the bsiness is doing pretty damn good I am getting known all over the country. If you are in a band or know of any that are beyond good give em my Email. Well hope everyone is doing well and Ill check back in a few days, Shannon

tuaca on the house