The fact is, they kill, steal, lie, and cheat. But they do it all in a more dignified way.
Of all the crime that is around in this day amd age, the mafia is not nearly as bad as others.
There are serial killers, sexual offenders, some pretty deranged people. However, the one thing that makes the Mafia a dignified crime is the fact that no on dies because someone felt like killing someone. The mafia never rapes anyone. They always treat their friends good and their enemys bad. They just do this on a higher scale. If it was up to me, I would be concentrating on other, more imortant things. If the mafia was te one cause of all crime, then I would get rid of the mafia, but its not, they only kill the people who deserve it. I am not defending the mafia, I am just saying that it is more dignmified then some of the other crimes comitted every day.

"I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun."-Billy Joel