I'm pretty sure that it's Mama Corleone (Morgana King). Not only does her sitting directly next to Michael substatiate the overlapping reels/freak reflection idea, but the others are more of a stretch. Much like the "Paul McCartney is dead" rumours of the late 60's, anything can be probable if you can twist it right.

-it could be Kay from the closing (additional scene on the bonus DVD) sequence, but why would those 2 scenes be merged together, unless Coppola desired this effect, which he calls a "freak" reflection or something.

-It could be Talia Shire. It's probable, but imho because of her distance from Michael in that scene it is doubtful.

-It could be Mrs. Coppola, but again, FFC's comment makes that extremely unlikely.

Anyways, on my DVD, the image is retained throughout most of that sequence after it first appears on Michael. If you focus on the right side of the screen, you can see the image faintly appear at various points when looking at the family, and can most blatantly be seen on Tom Hagen (other than on Michael).