Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I'm not gonna say "Hey man, Top Gun was great! ****!" I give good ratings to films that deserve it, entertainment is a different story, and rating a film by entertainment would be a flawed way of rating a film.
Very interesting, and true too! I mean, I thought Donnie Darko was well-directed and acted, but beyond that I thought the storyline was a mess and it's ideas a load of pretentious rubbish. But even though it didn't particularly entertain me, would I tell people it's worth a look? Yes.

And when you say films that 'deserve it', again that's a personal preference, be it Top Gun or Singin' In The Rain. Ah, the brillance of watching films and discussing them with people - of which these boards are a sterling example! Please don't think I'm trying to put the average film-goer down who use a rating system when they're recommending a film - what does not work for me, may work for others - I just possess a dislike for many of the 'famous' film critics, and people who just imitate what they say when talking about films.

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately..." wink