I used to read all of King's books, but stopped after Desperation, although I did enjoy From a Buick 8. It seemed like good old fashioned King.

My two favorites are still The Stand and It. I also liked his non-fiction book about being a writer. Whenever I think of The Shining, it reminds me of the episode of Friends when Joey and Rachel agree to switch and read one another's favorite books. Joey reads Little Women, and Rachel reads The Shining. It was one of the funniest episodes ever.

Mr. Babe does NOT like to read, but when he travels to Europe on business, I try to give him a book for the plane. He started The Stand on a trip to Germany a few years ago, and never finished it. I asked him HOW could he not finish a book about a plague that destroys the majority of the human race and then pits the survivors in a classic good v. evil scenario. I said, "Don't you want to know who wins????". He watched the mini-series instead.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club