I finally finished The Shining about a week ago - it was just incredible. I thought it might be silly to read the book after I'd already seen the movie, but the two ended up being quite different (if anyone else has read it, I'd love to discuss this). I was able to imagine Jack Nicholson the entire time, but also enjoy the many extra details and analysis of the characters. I especially loved the insight on Jack's character - the psychological aspect of it was wonderful.

I'm on a Stephen King kick, so I'm now working on Four Past Midnight , a collection of four novellas. I skipped to Secret Window, Secret Garden first, and I'm loving it. The best part is imagining Johnny Depp all throughout. The movie is a lot more true to this story, but I think it's always fun to experience the literary form, as well. I hope to read The Langoliers next. I remember watching the TV mini-series of this, actually - the story isn't so fresh in my mind, but I know I liked it.