Boeing faces new FAA probe over 787 Dreamliner inspections, falsified records

"The FAA is investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections and whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records," the agency said. "At the same time, Boeing is reinspecting all 787 airplanes still within the production system and must also create a plan to address the in-service fleet."

The issue surfaced after a Boeing employee observed an "irregularity" and raised the issue with a supervisor who elevated it further.

"We quickly reviewed the matter and learned that several people had been violating company policies by not performing a required test, but recording the work as having been completed," Scott Stocker, head of the Boeing 787 program, said in an email to staff.

"We promptly informed our regulator about what we learned and are taking swift and serious corrective action with multiple teammates," said Stocker, adding that engineering staff determined that the issues does not pose an immediate safety of flight risk.

"It's nothing personal, Sonny....... It's strictly business."